Higher Brothers《Young Master》单曲歌词及介绍

同城网 娱乐前沿 2023-09-27 05:32:09 54 0

Higher Brothers《Young Master》单曲歌词及介绍

本篇文章为大家提供的是Higher Brothers《Young Master》的歌词及介绍希望可以帮助到你,记得收藏本站谢谢!



《Coincidance》是handsome dancer演唱的歌曲。


The first man's name was kiki第一个人叫琪

He wore such little pants 他穿着紧身裤子

His brother was a champion 他哥哥是个冠军

But kiki loved to dance 但琪琪就喜欢跳舞

The second man was choo choo 第二个人是周周

A master of romance 是个大师

He loved the damsel in distress 比起爱着少女

But not as much as dance 他更热爱跳舞